lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


Contenido: en el presente escrito se presenta el contenido en ingles, esto para que sea notorio el avance que tienen los alumnos en esta materia.

Criminology is a multidisciplinary science, to name a few are the criminal psychology, criminal anthropology, criminal biology and criminal psychology among many others, taking the biopsychosocial study of criminal individual.
Here I present some authors who tell us that is criminology for them:

"Empirical, interdisciplinary science that deals with the crime, the offender, the victim and social control of deviant behavior."                     
Antonio García-Pablos de Molina.

"Criminology is the science that studies crime, to investigate its causes, its genesis, its process and its consequences."
G. G. Stefani and Levasseur

“Criminology is the synthetic, causal, explanatory, natural and cultural science of anti-social behavior”
Rodriguez Manzanera Luis

“It is research that right through the etiology of crime and crime philosophy seeks to treat or cure the offender and prevent criminal behavior”

Criminology is responsible for studying people from an approach:
Biology: This is to take into account that if no damage to the organs and including for criminology are important are the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals among others, also hereditary diseases, chromosomal aberrations, it is essential to know all this for we know the reason for antisocial behavior and biological impacts as an action.

Psicologico: this is more in the study of the psyche, know this is very important because from here we will have a capacity to know why the acts committed, because in most cases individuals have psychological disorders to name a few are the ezquisofrenia, antisocial personality disorder, paranoia, psychosis, among many others, but we studied the psyche to know if you have remorse or memories that hurt him in his childhood such as abuse, neglect, depression and this affects the level of criminality It has if it is null, medium or dangerous
Social: This is the point where we will know how it is where he lived the individual, that people are around, as was his economic level, what kind of social environment development during childhood, adolescence and until some had attitudes with people she lived. As it was in society in general, it is easily adapted or even had trouble entering collective group.
Ballistics: Es aquella que se encarga del área o escena del crimen, lugar de los hecho y/o del hallazgo
Offender: Individuo que realizo una conducta delictiva que va en contra del derecho, esta palabra es utilizada más en derecho penal.
Criminal: Todo individuo que comete un crimen o que está implicado en algún tipo de delito, esta palabra está más directo a criminología.
Evidence: Todo objeto, instrumento, huella, rastro, marca, señal o vestigio, que se haya en el lugar de la comisión de un hecho posiblemente delictuoso.
Judgment: Es donde se pone a resolución la controversia se un delito ya sea fallado a favor o en contra.
Criminological opinión: Es el estudio que se le hace al individuo y por el cual veremos el nivel de peligrosidad que tiene ante la sociedad.
Intervew: Es necesaria para hacer nuestro dictamen y esta realizada a una persona en específico.
Multidisciplinary: Es aquella que está integrada por varias materias o disciplinas en su conjunto.
Firearm: Aquella que está diseñada para atacar o defenderse.
Projectile: un objeto destinado a ser lanzado, arrojado, despedido, disparado a un blanco especifico o con el objetivo de cumplir una trayectoria sin importar donde caiga.
Social reintegration: Es la reinserción de un individuo que ya cumplió su condena en un centro penitenciario y al terminar se trata de reintegrar a la sociedad misma.

Escrito por: Yovanny Escobar.

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